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  • How do I become a Law Enforcement Officer?


    The first step, is to apply for LEO by clicking one of the application links. After your application is accepted, you will receive a training packet to get you up to speed on law enforcement operations. This training is purely documentation based, and does not include an in-game component. When first starting out, you are ranked as a Probationary Member (more rank info below).

    Your first four patrols will be alongside an approved Field Training Officer. This is to help you learn the ropes, and get comfortable as a Law Enforcement Officer. After those patrols, you become a full fledged Law Enforcement Officer!

    Rank Breakdown

    All ranks are laterally transferrable between LE agencies, and all equal the same level.

    Assigned Lead Chief Sheriff Colonel
    Staff Crossover Assistant Chief Undersheriff Lieutenant Colonel
    Staff Crossover Captain Major Major
    Subdivision Supervisor Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant
    Supervisor Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant
    Field Training Officer Corporal Corporal Corporal
    Advanced Subdivisions Senior Officer Senior Deputy Senior Trooper
    Subdivisions Officer Deputy Trooper
    In Field Training Probationary Officer Probationary Deputy Probationary Trooper


    All promotions take place at the end of the month, or within the nearest patrol of that time frame. Promoted members earn one rank per promotion cycle. Promotions are judged by a members dedication to community, RP ability, and history with the community.

    Some of the Subdivisions

    Tactical Response Unit / Strategic Response Team

    The Tactical Response Unit and Strategic Response Team serve as the tactical arm of San Andreas law enforcement. Similar to SWAT teams, these units rely on highly trained and skilled team members to carry out their various missions. 

    The Tactical Response Unit serves under the Los Santos Police Department, while the Strategic Response Team is an extension of the San Andreas State Troopers.

    Wildlife Patrol

    To protect San Andreas’ natural lands and their inhabitants, the State of San Andreas utilizes resources from both the San Andreas State Troopers, and the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office. Both agencies utilize specialized vehicles and resources to enforce laws and promote education of the preservation of San Andreas’ natural resources. A job as a Wildlife Patrol officer can be the perfect opportunity for someone who loves communing with nature and watching and interacting with wildlife.

    Motor Unit

    The purpose of the Motors Unit is to provide a small agile platform for traffic enforcement and pursuit scenarios. Motor Units will typically proactively patrol for the purposes of traffic enforcement, or respond to vehicle pursuits. Motor Units will also assist in escorts of high value suspects, Government Officials, and other extreme situations.

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