FiveM Discipline Procedure

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    Discipline Procedure

    Our Mission

    The foundation and mission of the Disciplinary Procedures document is to lay the framework on how to properly handle disciplinary action when it relates to player issues.

    This document will outline the general basis for disciplinary tracking, what offenses should be treated as, and a listing of recommended actions to be taken for those specific offenses. Not only does this make our disciplinary structure uniform, but it also gives guidance to those who aren’t certain what the proper discipline should be.

    Disciplinary Structure

    All disciplinary action is logged within our CAD system -- whether it is a teachable or not. Any disciplinary conversation must use a two-party system (both parties must not have been involved in the scene) -- else they can be handled over Discord by screenshotting the conversation after it has been handled. The following table describes our disciplinary structure from most severe to least severe.

    Offense Type




    Serious offenses that create a negative roleplay experience for other players in the game or show negligence or disregard for the rules and policies in place. Three of these will result in removal from the community for 90 days.

    90 Days - During the active time you cannot train for any department or subdivision nor can you transfer departments.


    Offenses that may create a minor inconvenience to roleplay scenarios but don’t negatively impact them on a severe level. Earning three of these will have them converted to a Major instead.

    30 Days - During the active time you cannot train for any department or subdivision nor can you transfer departments.

    Progressive Action

    A minor or major offense that has been determined to best be addressed by teaching the player through lower punishments -- such as ride alongs, priority restrictions, tier demotions, etc. Earning three of these will have them converted to a Minor instead.

    30 Days

    Teachable (Point Dismissed)

    A minor or major offense that has been determined to best be addressed by teaching the player how to improve or prevent the behaviors.

    Depends on the type of point dismissed (minor or major).


    Merely a conversation regarding the issue that occurred. No corrective action will be taken at this time.


    Progressive Action

    This is the next step up from a teachable. This is meant to be an alternative for a point that still carries weight without some of the restrictions of a minor point -- such as restricting the member's ability to get trained in or transfer to another department for 30 days.

    Minor Offenses

    The following offenses listed below are considered Minor in nature. The Recommended Actions column of the table does NOT have to be strictly adhered to -- it is merely a guideline. These actions can be modified to provide another suitable punishment -- such as the removal of your ability to run priorities for a period of time or having to participate in ride-alongs as LEO.


    Recommended Action(s)

    Improper/Poor RTO




    Improper Use of OOC or Breaking Character


    Improper Uniformity (Uniform or Vehicle)


    Breaching the Priority Timer

    Warning; priority disregarded.

    Engine Modifications


    Use of Force Reporting

    Warning; improper use results in retrain.

    Arrest Without CAD Input of Offense


    Returning to Scene After Death/Arrest


    Abandoning Vehicles


    Failure to Utilize Subdivision Assets


    Leeching (Scenes or Streams)


    Teleporting to Player Without Permission


    Skipping Chain of Command


    Not in Patrol Channel While in Game

    Warning; whitelist removal (24 hours if in wrong channel -- 72 hours if not on TS at all).

    Overlapping Priorities

    Warning; priorities disregarded.

    Starting Priority With <5 LEO

    Warning; priorities disregarded.

    Improper Felony Stop Procedure

    Warning; retrain on procedure.

    Warrant Request Not Submitted Same Day

    Warning; warrant disregarded.

    Misuse of Weapons in Roleplay

    Warning; retrain.

    Improper Discussion Procedure

    Applies to Staff+ only.

    Other (Department Head Approved)


    Major Offenses

    The following offenses listed below are considered Major in nature. The Recommended Actions column of the table does NOT have to be strictly adhered to -- it is merely a guideline. These actions can be modified to provide another suitable punishment -- such as the removal of your ability to run priorities for a period of time or having to participate in ride-alongs as LEO.


    Recommended Action(s)

    Fail Roleplay or Power/Metagaming

    Kicked from game; 24 hr whitelist removal.

    Out of Civilian/LEO Level


    Excessive Use of Force


    Improper Emergency Response

    EVOC Retrain

    Use of Blips/Spectating Players

    Kicked from game; 72 hr whitelist removal.

    Emergency Services Criminal Negligence


    Leaving During Sentencing

    24 hr whitelist removal.

    AFK In-Game More Than 10 Minutes

    Kicked from game; 24 hr whitelist removal for first offense; else 72 hours for all other offenses.

    Any Minor Offense Stack That Gets You Here


    Other (Department Head Approved)


    Action Taken

    Points being issued at the time are non-negotiable. You may appeal them following the process further in this document should you feel that they weren’t warranted, however, you may not argue them with the issuer -- as this can result in the points being doubled instead. If you don’t want the points then don’t put yourself in a situation to get them.

    Point Accumulation

    This is how points are accumulated, and used.

    Progressive Action: While this does not apply a point upon its use -- it can lead to one. 

    3 Progressive Actions for the same behavior or action will turn into a minor point.

    3 minor points will turn into a major point.

    3 major points and the member will be pointed out of the community with a 90 day waiting period before re-application.


    Points may be appealed by submitting a formal request (in writing) to Community Administrators

    • Appeals must be submitted, in writing, in a Google document explaining why you feel the point isn't valid. Please refrain from assigning personal opinion to your appeal reasoning. I am only interested in whether or not the point was necessary – not if you FEEL it was necessary or not.
    • Once your appeal is submitted it will be copied and no further edits to the document will be accepted.
    • Appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the point being applied. Any appeal submitted after this time will be automatically denied.
    • Appeals are a serious matter and will be conducted as such by both parties. Being unruly, appealing for the sake of "seeing what the outcome would be", changing your mind about the appeal, etc. will result in the appeal being denied and an additional point of the same type being applied.
    • Appeals are ONLY for points. If you had additional discipline applied, such as the removal of a tag or a demotion in tier, those will still apply if the appeal is successful. These may, in very rare circumstances, be overturned by the FiveM Director if the situation deems it necessary.

    Senior Admin Override

    In the event that Senior Administration takes notice of issues not being handled appropriately, they may override the decision of a Department Head with a majority vote and issue discipline regardless of the original decision.

    Discipline Forgiveness

    In the event that a member with a Major point shows significant improvement in the behavior that caused the original point to be issued -- their point may be “forgiven” -- or removed early. The guidelines for this are as follows:

    • This cannot be requested by the member.
      • After 45 days -- the uninvolved Junior Admin/Admin and a Senior Admin (or SA/SA if both the JA/A were involved), will review the point and the member’s behavior improvements (if any) and make a determination as to whether or not the point should be forgiven early.
    • This can only be invoked on a member once every 90 days.
    • Use of this policy is entirely optional -- but exists for the purposes of rewarding major changes to behavior.


    In the event that a retrain is issued as part of a disciplinary proceeding – the following conditions apply:

    • The retrain is to be conducted by a CoC member from the issuing department.
      • If there is no trainer available in that department – then another CoC member who is a trainer for that area may conduct the retrain. For example, if PD issues a retrain but have no trainers – an SO trainer may fulfill the responsibility.
    • Under no circumstances should a retrain be conducted by a non-CoC member.
      • If all other options are exhausted then the retrain will be conducted by the FiveM Director.

    Living Document

    This is a living document, and as such, may be updated at any time without warning. Therefore, it is important that you view it on a regular basis for any changes that may have occurred.