General Troubleshooting
Here is a number of possible steps to try to resolve client connection issues. These are generally client side issues and is most often related to workshop mod content and Steam being out of sync.
You may need to try some or all of these ideas to resolve issues with connecting to the server, but ultimately, we don’t offer client technical support.
Clear mod cache
Close Steam
Delete the “…Steam\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_244850.acf” file to reset the mod download state.
Delete all the contents of the “…Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850” folder
Relaunch Steam and monitor the Downloads screen and wait for all “Space Engineers Workshop Content” to finish downloading.
Try connecting to the server of your choice
Known Connection Bugs
UPDATE TO BELOW: This DLL in the link below has been updated as of Sparks of the Future update/DLC (game version V195) on June 24th. The latest version prints version v2.2 to screen and in your client logs. The old version is v2.1 and will cause your game to crash on launch. Simply replace the old dll with the new one in the link below in instructions to it (don’t forget to unblock it again).
There is currently one major known bug related to connecting to the servers. It manifests in one of two ways – players either load into an “Offline World” single player when trying to join, or they repeatedly receive “Server is not responding” as a response when trying to connect. It was greatly exasperated by changes to the mod download system by Keen when they released the big Frostbite patch.
This bug is not unique to TROA, it is a bug in the Keen multiplayer joint system. The good news is we have a temporary fix available from a Torch developer, Rexxar, that can be applied to clients. This fix was updated for the Sparks of the Future game update.
Please understand this is not our (TROA Realms) fix, we are just helping spread it out. It has seen a very high success rate for helping players join servers.
Download the plugin dll to SE_install_dir/Bin64/Plugins (the default install path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Plugins). Create the Plugins directory if you don’t already have it.
Plugin download link: TimeoutFixPlugin.dll
Right-click TimeoutFixPlugin.dll, select properties, then check ‘unblock’
Set SE to use the plugin by opening Steam, right click on Space Engineers, select properties, click “Set Launch Options” and add (without the quotes) “-plugin Plugins/TimeoutFixPlugin.dll”
That’s it; try joining. You should no longer drop to single player. You should either join successfully, or receive “Server not responding” , or be returned to the main menu of the game.
If your game crashes on launch it is because you did one of the following. A copy of your SpaceEngineer_xxxxx_xxxx.log file from ‘%appdata%/SpaceEngineers’ can explain what the issue is.
Did not unblock the dll
Did not properly name the DLL or Plugins folder (it is case sensitive)
Created the Plugins folder in the wrong location
Additionally, if you experience this drop to a Single Player Offline World, please take the time to visit the Keen Softwarehouse bug forum and vote on this bug to increase it’s priority of being looked at by the game developer – If you properly applied the fix, you will see the following messaging while trying to join the game:
If you properly apply the fix, you will see the following message while trying to join the game: