General Rules
This document outlines the rules of double clanning with other communities and servers. If you have any questions about this contact your lowest CoC or ask in the appropriate discord channel.
Members and recruits are able to join other servers with emergency assets and are able to be in other communities. However if this is abused this privilege will be revoked for the individual abusing it, if this is abused by everyone this privilege will be removed for everyone.
What counts as abuse:
- Going on LOA but patrolling on other servers.
- Only patrolling once every 30 days but patrolling frequently on other servers.
- Causing unneeded drama between servers and communities. For example: Spreading rumors.
- Giving other communities or servers our assets or documents.
If your double clan privilege has been revoked and you continue to double clan the following will happen:
- A first offense for double clanning will result in a 7 day temporary ban. You will be temporarily banned from Discord, muted in Discord, and dewhitelisted for the duration. You will not lose any tags or tenure. If you continue to double clan during this temporary ban – you will be moved to a community removal with a 30 day ban.
- A second offense for double clanning will result in a temporary ban of 90 days – after which you can then re-apply as a brand new member.
- A third offense for double clanning will result in a permanent ban, which can be appealed via Discord and a majority vote from the FiveM Staff Team.
As a general rule if you are on other servers frequently do not expect to get promoted to staff. If you hold staff in another community you cannot be promoted to staff here. You can still receive attaboys and civilian promotions, and you can still be a trainer.
Staff Rules
Staff have much higher expectations and have to follow a stricter set of guidelines.
- In order to be on another server or in another community you must request via on the forums in the proper forum. They have the right to approve and reject as they feel.
- If being a member in another community affects your work here that privilege will be removed.
- You may not be promoted to staff in another community while being staff here, you must pick one or the other.
Any violation of these rules by staff members could have you removed from staff or have your privileges revoked.